Thermography - A Non-Invasive Imaging Technique for Early Detection

Thermography is a non-invasive imaging technique. Formally known as Digital Thermographic Imaging, it can be used to monitor injuries or changes associated with certain diseases using the heat signature of your body. Many women monitor their breast health with thermography. Thermography can also be used elsewhere in the body to evaluate areas of acute or chronic pain.

I first discovered breast thermography last year. I learned about it from a patient who chose to have thermography rather than mammography. Once I investigated the procedure, I found the numerous advantages. One major benefit is that it is painless. There is absolutely no compression. There is also no radiation exposure. Thermography also isn't limited or affected by the size or density of the breasts. Women with breast implants can safely make use of this technology.  Thermography can provide information on fibrocystic changes within the breast as well as highlight areas of inflammation. This unique technology can detect changes in tissue from the smallest of tumors. It can pick up abnormalities three to five years earlier than mammography. Thermography allows for true early detection. These features facilitate early interventions to treat cancer or to reduce the risk of progression to cancer. The FDA has approved thermography as an adjunctive screening modality, i.e., it is approved for use along with mammography.

When you have thermography performed with Mobile Thermographic Imaging (MTI), your results are reported by certified medical doctors. The first imaging session provides the baseline of your body's "thermal signature."  Repeat imaging in 3 months is recommended to see if the patterns remain the same. After that, you may proceed with yearly thermograms or as suggested based on your study findings.  I had my first breast thermogram last winter. My initial results were low risk but showed evidence of fibrocystic changes and estrogen dominance. My results remained low risk when I had my follow-up this past April.

If you’re in Georgia or Alabama, I recommend visiting Erly Wellness for a scan.

*Disclaimer: Thermography does not replace mammography nor does mammography replace thermography


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