Unplug and Enjoy God's Creation

Today is Earth Day! It's a great excuse to get out and enjoy God's creation. I'm currently in St. Mary's, GA after driving five and a half hours last night from the office in Woodstock, GA.  Once I got out of Atlanta, it was a pleasant drive without too much traffic. I chatted with the handsome Mr. Hale for part of the drive. Afterwards, I listened to The Blue Zones audiobook on Audible. I highly recommend this book. While I haven't completed it, I've gotten far enough to know that I'm adding to my life by slowing down and unplugging this weekend.

For the next few days, I'll be camping on  Cumberland Island with Outdoor Afro. Outdoor Afro is an organization that was created to encourage and create opportunities for brown beauties like myself to get out and enjoy nature. We'll be riding a ferry to the island from St. Mary's. After a tour of the island we'll be hiking approximately three miles to our campsite.

Preparing to backpack with your essentials, really makes you hone in on what is truly important. For those who have been following my blog, it won't come as any surprise that I have prioritized have quality food. I also plan to bring along some organic apples. Even though I try to limit my sugar intake, I believe that the occasional treat is good for your health. I have Elyon Kosher Marshmallows for roasting over the campfire.

I'll have my phone with me on the camping trip only to take pictures, journal and read scripture. I'm looking forward to being unplugged in order to tune in. It's in stillness that I best commune with God. I'm looking forward to spending time listening to Him and admiring His handiwork. I encouraged you to do the same.

Have a fabulous and restful weekend. 


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