Let Go! How to Reclaim Your Power by Releasing What Holds You Back

The end of 2016 is just a few days away. With this final post of the year, I'd like to share some reflections and wisdom I gleaned from an unlikely source. Hopefully, this will help you to learn to let go of whatever may be holding you back. My desire for you is that you start 2017 unburdened and free to embrace all that God has for you.

A few weeks ago I participated in a full moon drum circle at Horizon Training Center. One of my good friends had invited me many times, but this is the first time I decided to participate. I was feeling a lot of frustration on the day I read the Facebook invite. The idea of joining with others to bang on drums and release negative energies appealed to me. What I experienced at the drum circle was different from what I anticipated, yet most definitely what I needed.

When I arrived at the center, there were a variety of drums, noisemakers, blankets, and props available for us to choose. Our leader, Allison Summers invited us to choose what we wanted and to position ourselves however we would be comfortable. She invited us to use the opportunity to tap into the energy of the moment. Rather than prescribing set rhythms, we were to apply an intuitive approach to the sounds we made or didn't make. As an island girl, I was immediately attracted to the Ocean Drum.

The Ocean Drum is able to produce soothing and calming sounds. It can also make powerful and more aggressive sounds that resemble crashing waves. According to Allison, I became the ocean. Initially, I was moved to make calming sounds. This helped me to focus on the present moment. At other times my drum sounded more like the ocean during a powerful storm. At a certain point near the end of the drum circle, I alternated the ocean drum with the djembe.

Here's are two key things I was reminded of during the drum circle:

There is a power within me 

I have an important calling on my life. No person or thing can stand in the way of that unless I give them that power. Frustration comes when you allow external things to control and constrain you. Rather than becoming a victim to your circumstances, remember to tap into your power.

There is strength in being grounded

As a believer in YHWH, my faith is my anchor. When I hold fast to that foundation, I am a tree deeply rooted and nothing can shake me or move me. Regardless of what is happening around me, I know that my God is in control and directs my steps.As you enter 2017, take some time to reflect on and remember your purpose. Hold on to what is true and vital to your journey. Let go of what doesn't serve you and the things that you are not meant to control. Say no to the noise that tries to distract you and dilute your power.

Wishing you abundance in life, health, and love. Shalom


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