The Transformative Power of Self-Love

Hi, lovelies. I know I've haven't posted in over a month. For those who follow me on social media, you know that I've been alive and well. Actually, better than well. I've been practicing what I preach to so many of my clients -  self-care and self-love. I've been learning to live in the present moment and practicing stillness. This mindset goes against a culture that always wants us to be on the go and pursue the next achievement.

I started feeling a bit burned out after the busy December period and gave myself permission to pause. In fact, my body was telling me that I would compromise my health if I kept going, so I stopped. I prioritized daily meditation using my Bellabeat or Insight Timer app. I even purchased a Calmer Tides Mala to help support my intention of more inner quiet.I also made use of the Heart Math program to learn to better control my breath to help my body better handle stressful situations.

My husband and I did a two-week nutrition reset together using the guide in Dave Asprey's book, The Bulletproof Diet. Since my husband has a healthy appetite, this meant more cooking. More time in the kitchen was a welcome break since I was taking the time to focus on nourishing my spouse as well as myself. This reset was beneficial since it also served as a sugar detox. I notice that if I'm stressed, I tend to go for more carbohydrates and salt, even if they are gluten-free minimally processed treats. Emphasizing more vegetables, quality proteins and healthy fats, felt good.

Many evenings I chose to either go to bed when I was tired rather stay up to do coursework or even blog. If I had extra time before bedtime, I enjoyed more TV time with my husband. My husband and also enjoyed more movies on weekends rather than being "productive."

Slowing down and stepping back for a period was refreshing and helped me get my life back in balance. I feel mentally and physically stronger. I also feel more connected to my spouse. When you prioritize your personal wellness, the things that matter seem to fall into place. Practicing self-care and self-love require constant vigilance, but my daily pause for meditation and reflection helps me to keep things in perspective.

Self-care isn't selfish. In the case of an in-flight emergency, the flight attendant advises putting your mask on first before helping anyone else, even your child. If you can't breathe, you won't be available to help someone else.  Similarly, if you don't prioritize your total health, you can't be fully present for all that life has for you the way you want to be.

To learn more about self-care and recovering from a culture that leaves us tired and wired, check out Dr. Aviva Romm's new book The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution

.P.S. Abundant Health Life is now 1-year-old.

Thanks for supporting my journey and allowing me to enrich yours. 


There Were No Christmas Lights


Let Go! How to Reclaim Your Power by Releasing What Holds You Back